Standard Barrels
(7/16"-3/4" Gas Cup ID)
Drawings Accessories More Info
The D/F Direct Mount Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip Sub-Arc (SAW) Torches are the same as the Direct Mount Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip Torches. These torches feature the 1.125" smaller O.D. water-cooled nozzle for hard-to-reach, limited access areas. The D/F Machine Automatic Sub-arc positive contact assemblies are designed to provide long trouble-free service and are ideal for beam-mounted, portable tractor or semi-automatic systems for heavy fabrication environments. Submerged arc welding guns for subarc welding from D/F provide maximum control over deposition and penetration. These D/F heavy duty water-cooled weld automation torches are ideal and have been used for metal build up, hard facing, metal spray applications, and pipeline construction, or even retrofit with a flux delivery system for sub arc applications, and applications where flux and carbide is added.
Until now Submerged Arc welding (SAW) was primarily done with an air-cooled sub arc torch. Most of the problems associated with A/C torches are caused by heat and lack of cooling. The air-cooled torches have large air-cooled power cables that get very hot carrying the power, the torches get extremely hot from the cables and from the welding process. Because of the heat with air-cooled welding you now have a hot gun holding a hot tip. Everything is so hot that the consumables break down at much higher rates. Couple this with the large sub arc welding tips that are extremely expensive, now you have the need to seek out a better solution. This is why D/F has a heavy duty water-cooled sub arc torch and it is a superior replacement to the Lincoln K231-1 Submerged Arc Contact Nozzle Assembly or the Profax Sub Arc PX-K231 Nozzle Assembly. D/F Submerged arc guns are robust and built to last. A simple and compact design makes them durable and easy to maintain. With little interaction and down time required, the D/F Automatic Water-Cooled to the Tip torches are ideal for the hot environment. The torch will last years compared to months with the competition. Due to the torches superior water cooling, the tip will last for days rather than through just a couple of parts, and will outlast the competition at least 7-to-1, and sometimes 14-to-1. Don’t forget that the D/F sub-arc tips are 1/5 of the cost of the large air-cooled sub-arc tips. The submerged arc process is widely used in heavy steel plate fabrication work. This includes the welding of structural shapes, the longitudinal seam of larger diameter pipe, the manufacture of machine components for all types of heavy industry, and the manufacture of vessels and tanks for pressure and storage use. It is widely used in the shipbuilding industry for splicing and fabricating sub-assemblies, and by many other industries where steels are used in medium to heavy thicknesses. It is also used for surfacing and buildup work, maintenance, and repair.
The major advantages of the SAW or submerged arc welding process are:
- High quality metal weld
- Extremely high speed and deposition rate
- Smooth, uniform finished weld with no spatter
- Little or no smoke
- No arc flash, thus minimal need for protective clothing
- High utilization of electrode wire
- Easy automation for high-operator factor.
- Normally, no involvement of manipulative skills
- Water Cooled Internally - Tip Recessed in Water Cooling
- Water Cooled Externally - Gas Cup Recessed in Water Cooling
- Up to 650 Amps Continuous Duty Cycle
- Up to 850 Amps Continuous with Dual Power Cables
- Adaptable to Any Wire Feeder or Power Source
- Withstands Preheat Upwards of 900 Degrees
Model Explanation
- NCM-W/C-T - Normal Duty, Collet Action (Slip-In Tip), Machine Barrel - Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip
- HTM-W/C-T Series-A - Heavy Duty, Threaded Tip, Machine Barrel - Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip
Model Specifications
NCM-W/C-T | 450 amps | 2.8 lbs | 3.5 lbs | 3 quarts/min | .030"-5/32" Hard/Cored, 3/64"-1/8" AL |
599 |
HTM-W/C-T | 850 amps | 2.8 lbs | 3.5 lbs | 3 quarts/min | .030"-5/32" Hard/Cored, 3/64"-1/8" AL |
HTM-W/C-T (with Dual Power Cable) |
850 amps | 2.8 lbs | 3.5 lbs | 3 quarts/min | .030"-5/32" Hard/Cored, 3/64"-1/8" AL |
Barrel Dimensions
NCM-W/C-T, HTM-W/C-T | 9.25" | 12.25" | 1.625" | 1.125" |
The direct mount fully Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip Docking Spool® accommodates two (2) water-cooled nozzle assemblies. This arrangement is readily adaptable to dedicated or automatic welding applications such as the Lincoln Electric NA3, NA4, NA5, NA5R, Power Feed 10, LF72, LF74 automatic wire feeders, Miller series power pins, ESAB, Euro and Tweco #4. The equipment consists of four (4) basic components: a Utility Station, an intermediate Utilities Combination assembly, a High Deposition Docking Spool®, and a Water Cooled Nozzle. The Docking Spool® is the principal component in this welding equipment arrangement. It accepts the utilities at the top end of the Docking Spool® and provides a means of accepting the water cooled nozzle at the lower end with superior water cooling. Several features important to a welding system are provided. Incorporated within the water channels of the Docking Spool® are check valves which provide a means of retaining residual water in the lines when the nozzle assembly is removed from the Docking Spool®. In addition a POSIT® Ring is provided at the upper end of the Docking Spool® which allows positive location in a mounting bracket to maintain dimensional stability.
Ordering Information (Complete Assemblies)
5" Nozzle | 40134 | 40246 |
8" Nozzle | 40135 | 40247 |
Add Footage Digit to Item Code Number for Length Required. Example: Require 40134 with 4 Ft. Water-In Hose Assembly: 40134-4 |
Manuals & Downloads
Instruction Manuals
NCM-W/C-T, HTM-W/C-T | 599 |
CAD Files & Drawings
NCM-W/C-T 5" | 40134 | 40134 | 40134 |
HTM-W/C-T 5" | 40246 | 40246 | 40246 |
NCM-W/C-T 8" | 40135 | 40135 | 40135 |
HTM-W/C-T 8" | 40247 | 40247 | 40247 |
Other Documents
Torch Connection Options | |
W/C Direct Mount Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip One-Sheet |
Utility Station #45196
The D/F Utility Station is required for all D/F torch installations. Typical modern torch setups utilize a unitized cable assembly with a power pin. D/F torches take an alternative approach to the setup. The torches use a separate gas hose, water-in hose, Water Out & Power Cable, and casing/conduit. When one cable goes bad it is simply replaced instead of attaching an entire new unitized cable assembly; a huge cost saver! This is also where the D/F Utility Station comes into play. The gas hose, water-in hose, and Water Out & Power Cable are interfaced with the customer's existing lines via the Utility Station. The D/F torch leads plug into the front (see right) of the Utility Station. Into the back (see below) of the Utility Station go the customer's utilities. Read more on the D/F Utility Station product page.
For more information on proper use of the D/F Utility Station, and to see the various torch connection options, please download the Torch Connection Options one-sheet.
Torch Rack #30418 and Rack Mount
An optional D/F Torch Rack #30418 can be used on any torch with an 8" long, 1.125" diameter water-cooled nozzle. The rack slips right over the water-cooled nozzle and is secured with 4 set screws. The rack can then be dropped into a BUG-O BUG-5188 Rack Holder. The rack has a 32 pitch gear, and with the rack holder makes torch head positioning very easy. See the images below right. See the Torch and Rack Mount product page for more information
For more information on proper use of the D/F Utility Station, and to see the various torch connection options, please download the Torch Connection Options one-sheet.
D/F #30421 Sub-Arc Attachment
The D/F Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip Machine Barrels used with the D/F Submerged Arc Attachment are the industry's most advanced sub-arc torches for mobile, hard automation, and robotic feeding equipment, and will help achieve new levels of welding performance and operational efficency. Whether your application is bridge decking, pressure vessels, panel line, seamers, pipe mill integrator solutions, or submerged arc robotic welding, the D/F sub arc choices are designed to improve weld quality, reduce welding and operational costs, and increase weld team productivity.
D/F Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip Sub-Arc - More Information
The D/F Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip automatic Remote Mount and Direct Mount Machine Barrels are ideal for submerged arc (SAW) welding applications. They are repairable and easy to maintain. Our consumables are always in stock and are 1/3 of the cost of competitiors'. Customers have been perpetually pleased to find out that we ship every order within 3 days of receipt of a purchase order, and that we are always willing to do our best to ship our equipment for next-day delivery.
Submerged-arc welding (SAW) involves the formation of an arc between a continuously fed electrode and the workpiece. A blanket of powdered flux, which generates a protective gas shield and a slag (and may also be used to add alloying elements to the weld pool), protects the weld zone. A shielding gas is not required. The arc is submerged beneath the flux blanket and is not normally visible during welding. SAW's ability leads to its extremely high deposition rates, which allows for more rapid heat penetration and stability of the arc. In traditional power supplies, when the wave passes from positive (EP) to negative (EN) in its half-cycle, a lag or interruption may occur in the arc, subsequently causing problems in the weld. While this factor and its related input and output issues previously limited speed and productivity, now it is resolved in advanced power equipment. For starters, it is now possible to weld AC and DC polarity in the same puddle, using the same power source. In the past different machines were necessary, and sometimes the DC and AC welds had to be laid down in different passes. Today's SAW offers the opportunity to create a weld faster and with unique, specialized properties. The benefits of AC for high deposition, stability, and the elimination of arc blow can be realized, while DCEP/DCEN enable stable penetration at much faster speeds. Because of what is happening on the back end of these new machines, welders now have many more options at the arc. Older equipment ran according to a limited set of parameters; today's power sources run and react.
The direct mount fully Water-Cooled-to-the-Tip Docking Spool® accommodates two (2) water cooled nozzle assemblies. This arrangement is readily adaptable to dedicated or automatic welding applications such as the Lincoln Electric NA-3, NA-4, NA-5, NA-5R, Power Feed 10, LF-72, LF-74 automatic wire feeders, Miller series power pins, ESAB, Euro and Tweco #4. The equipment consists of four (4) basic components: a Utility Station, an intermediate Utilities Combination assembly, a High Deposition Docking Spool®, and a Water Cooled Nozzle. The Docking Spool® is the principal component in this welding equipment arrangement. It accepts the utilities at the top end of the Docking Spool® and provides a means of accepting the water cooled nozzle at the lower end with superior water cooling. Several features important to a welding system are provided. Incorporated within the water channels of the Docking Spool® are check valves which provide a means of retaining residual water in the lines when the nozzle assembly is removed from the Docking Spool®. In addition a POSIT® Ring is provided at the upper end of the Docking Spool® which allows positive location in a mounting bracket to maintain dimensional stability.
W/C Tip model torches can also be retrofit to have 2 water/out & power cables increasing the continuous duty cycle rating to 850 amps. These amperages require the use of the HTM or threaded series of chromium zirconium (CrZr) current tips.
The D/F torch is famous for the fact, that if it is chilled properly, the welder can grab the chrome front water-cooled barrel (not the copper gas nozzle/cup) of the torch with their bare hand and it will be cold to the touch seconds after welding. With the proper chiller, this can be done even after a 4 hour arc time. Make certain the cooling water supply is at least the minimum flow rate of 1 gallon per minute (for each inner body), at 40 psi (80 psi maximum) with a 6 gallon reservoir and a recommended 30,000 BTU/hr cooling capacity. Gun ratings are affected by shielding gas used, arc time, cooling time and inlet water temperature. Water outlet temperature should not exceed 27°C (80°F). The torch’s water out & power cable is not cooled until the coolant has gone through the torch and out the water out & power cable. If water is not flowing through the D/F torch for at least 1 minute prior to striking an arc, when you apply the power and water hits the “hot” water/out & power cable, you will generate steam. Steam can damage the torches internals in seconds causing a leak. It can also blow out the torches water/out & power cable. A flow switch can be installed after the return line ensuring that coolant is present at the return line prior to striking an arc. When High-Deposition GMAW, high current density, high amperages, preheat, or extended periods of arc time are used, a refrigerated liquid chiller with a larger reservoir is required. Precise temperature control maintains the cooling at a constant 13°C (55°F) temperature, thus prolonging the life of the welding equipment and more specifically extending the service life of the gas nozzle and current tip. D/F Machine Specialties does not manufacture or sell chillers, we only recommend them. Click here to see our recommended chillers.
Fixed automation is a process that uses mechanized machinery to perform repetitive operations in order to produce a high volume of similar parts. In fixed automation, the sequence of processing operations is fixed by the equipment layout.
Programmable automation is an applied form of fixed automation that is capable of repeating motion, in a series of steps, for producing products in batches. Applied products in a programmable automation system are made in batch quantities ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new batch, the programmable automation equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over to accommodate the new product style. Programmable automation may commonly include one to three axes of torch motion and/or multiple welding arcs.
D/F Machine Specialties is the world leader in the manufacture of water-cooled torches for hard automation systems which encompasses fixed automation and programmable automation.
Each D/F Machine Specialties welding gun is fully assembled and ready to install. In order to make the installation complete, the code number, wire size, wire feeder make/model (Lincoln wire feeders, Miller wire feeders, Tweco wire feeders, ESAB wire feeders, & EURO Quick Disconnect wire feeders), and inlet (as needed) must be specified when ordering. If special welding tools or accessories other than those listed previously are required, please consult with the factory. Get the right feeder adapter connection to fit your MIG wire feeder.